Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Collect for the Third Sunday in Lent (BCP, p. 128)

We beseech thee, Almighty God, look upon the hearty desires of thy humble servants, and stretch forth the right hand of thy Majesty, to be our defense against all our enemies, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

The image of God Almighty stretching out His right hand to be our defense against our enemies is a most awe inspiring thing to comprehend. It is almost incomprehensible to fathom that all assaults of evil can be totally defeated from only one hand of God. After preaching on Romans 7 last Sunday, it is all I can do to put up a fight against Satan and his devils with my whole body, and I am fighting a losing proposition when I do it on my own. God's power is so awesome to behold that His right hand is the only defense that we need. My problem is sinking back into my own defenses and thinking that it is flesh that can withhold these attacks. It clearly is more than I can humanly do on my own.

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